
浏览: 发布日期:2022-09-14







lol押注正规app问:今年以来,我国出台了《能源发展“十一五”规划》、《煤炭工业发展“十一五”规划》等多项能源规划和产业政策。 ,以及《可再生能源中长期发展规划》。发展规划、核电中长期发展规划、天然气利用政策、煤炭产业政策等,让国内外更好地了解中国能源规划和政策。今天发布的白皮书与已发布的计划和政策有何不同?



lol押注正规app天然气利用政策和煤炭产业政策是根据行业特点制定的具体政策措施。它们是《中国能源现状与政策》的具体体现和必要补充,也是中国不断完善能源政策体系的重要方面。 .




首先,总量比较丰富。化石能源和可再生能源资源比较丰富。其中,煤炭占主导地位。 2006年煤炭储量10345亿吨,剩余探明可采储量约占世界的13%,居世界第三位。油页岩、煤层气等非常规化石能源储量潜力巨大。水力资源理论储量相当于年发电量6.19万亿千瓦时,经济可开发年发电量约1.76万亿千瓦时,相当于世界水电资源的12% 世界第一。






一是供给能力明显提升。经过几十年的努力,初步形成了以煤炭为主体、以电力为中心、石油、天然气和可再生能源综合开发的能源供应格局,基本建立了较为完善的能源供应体系。 2006年一次能源总产量22.亿吨标准煤,居世界第二位。其中,原煤产量23.7亿吨,居世界第一。原油产量1.85亿吨,位居世界第六,天然气产量快速增长。电力发展迅速。全国发电装机容量已超过6亿千瓦,发电量达到2.87万亿千瓦时,自1996年以来位居世界第二。近年来,可再生能源发展迅速。 2006年水电装机容量达到1.3亿千瓦,居世界第一;太阳能热水器集热面积9500万平方米,占全球一半以上;年产沼气约100亿立方米,家庭沼气池2200万台以上。

其次,节能效果显着。 1980年至2006年,中国能源消费支撑国民经济年均增长9.8%,年均增长5.6%。按2005年不变价计算,万元GDP能耗年均节能率为3.9%。尤其是近年来,单位国内生产总值能耗上升的趋势已经扭转。 2006年,万元国内生产总值能耗自2003年以来首次下降,能源综合利用效率为33%,比1980年提高8个百分点。与国际先进水平的差距不断缩小。






答案:能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。能源利用的每一次重大进步,都促进了经济社会发展。能源的承载能力也制约着经济社会发展的速度、结构和方式。在上个世纪和过去的100年里,占世界人口15%的发达国家完成了工业化,但同期能源和矿产资源消耗量分别占世界总量的60%和50%。时期。 21世纪或以后,占世界人口85%的发展中国家将加快工业化和现代化进程中国能源贸易的现状,包括中国、印度、巴西等发展中大国。从人类经历的历史进程来看,工业化是社会财富快速积累、能源资源消耗的历史阶段。现阶段,如何解决日益严峻的人口、资源、环境、工业化加速和经济高速增长之间的矛盾,是人类发展需要共同回答的问题。




“节约优先”就是把节约资源作为基本国策,坚持能源开发与节约并重,节约优先,加快转变经济发展方式,促进产业结构优化升级,鼓励研究发展节能技术,推广节能产品,提高能源管理水平。 ,完善节能法规和标准,不断提高能源效率。








答案:中国人口众多中国能源贸易的现状,资源相对不足。实现经济社会可持续发展,必须走节约资源的道路。这是一项长期而艰巨的战略任务。中国把节约资源作为一项基本国策,颁布《国务院关于加强节能工作的决定》,制定实施《节能中长期专项规划》,确定了降低能源消耗的目标“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值增长20%左右。 ,明确了依靠结构调整、科技进步、加强管理、健全法制、深化改革的政策措施。中国政府把建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会摆在工业化和现代化发展战略的突出位置,加快构建节约能源资源的产业结构、增长方式和消费方式,保护生态环境。


问:中国经济发展过程中,主要依靠国内资源解决能源问题。 “立足国内”是中国能源发展的基本方针。中国政府将采取哪些政策措施提高国内供给能力?


答:长期以来,中国主要依靠自己的能源资源发展经济,能源自给率一直保持在90%以上,远高于大多数发达国家。目前,中国已成为世界第二大能源生产国。同时,我国能源资源开发潜力也比较大。煤炭已探明资源量仅占总储量的13%,水资源开发利用程度仅20%,石油资源探明程度仅33%,天然气资源探明程度仅14% ,非常规能源仍在开发中。在利用初期,可再生能源的开发利用刚刚起步,在资源节约、综合利用和循环利用方面也有很大的资源潜力。



答:能源的大量开发利用是造成生态破坏和环境污染的主要原因之一。中国政府高度重视能源开发利用与环境保护的关系,高度重视环境保护和全球气候变化,将环境保护作为一项基本国策。 ,采取了一系列与保护环境、应对气候变化有关的政策措施。 “十一五”期间,中国提出了基本遏制生态环境恶化,主要污染物排放总量下降10%,实现温室气体排放有效控制的目标。综合运用多种手段,积极调整产业结构和能源结构,全面推进节能减排,着力防治环境污染问题,有效控制污染物排放,促进能源与环境协调发展。




一是大力推广节能技术,这是能源技术发展的优先主题,聚焦高耗能领域的关键节能技术,着力研发节能技术工业、交通、建筑等行业的设备。二是推进关键技术创新。重点推进洁净煤技术、先进核电技术、复杂地质油气资源勘探开发、低品位油气资源高效开发。优先发展可再生能源规模化利用技术,鼓励发展替代能源技术,推广超大规模输配电技术。三是提高装备制造水平。主要依托重点能源项目,带动煤矿综采、大型煤化工、大型高效清洁发电、大功率风力发电、先进百万千瓦压水堆核电、石油和天然气勘探、钻井和运输设备。 The fourth is to strengthen research on cutting-edge technologies. Focus on the development of cutting-edge technologies such as hydrogen energy and fuel cells, distributed energy supply systems, future nuclear power, and natural gas hydrates. Fifth, strengthen basic scientific research.

Q: The most distinctive feature of the new era is reform and opening up. The reform process in various fields of the economy and society, including the energy field, is unstoppable. What measures is the Chinese government going to take to promote the reform of the energy system and optimize the environment for energy development?


A: China is steadily advancing the reform of the energy system in accordance with the requirements of improving the socialist market economic system. In 1998, it realized the strategic reorganization of oil companies and established a new oil industry management system integrating upstream and downstream. In 2002, in accordance with the electric power system reform plan, the electric power industry realized the separation of government and enterprises, and separation of power plants and grids. After the market-oriented reform of the coal industry, in 2005, the reform and development were further deepened in accordance with the State Council's "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Coal Industry". In accordance with the requirements of concept innovation, management innovation, system innovation and mechanism innovation, China is further deepening the reform of the energy system, improving the degree of energy marketization, improving the energy macro-control system, and continuously improving the energy development environment. The first is to strengthen energy legislation to provide legal guarantees for increasing energy supply, regulating energy market, optimizing energy structure and maintaining energy security. The second is to strengthen production safety, continue to take practical and effective measures, and resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of major and extraordinarily serious safety accidents. The third is to improve the emergency response system, improve the emergency response capability to deal with large-scale emergencies, and ensure the security of energy supply. Fourth, accelerate the construction of the market system, give full play to the fundamental role of the market in allocating resources, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the energy market. The fifth is to deepen the reform of the management system, improve the national energy management system and decision-making mechanism, and form a management system that is properly centralized, reasonable in division of labor, scientific in decision-making, smooth in execution, and powerful in supervision. The sixth is to promote the reform of the price mechanism, and gradually establish a price formation mechanism that can reflect the degree of resource scarcity, market supply and demand and environmental costs while properly handling the relationship between different interest groups and fully considering the affordability of all aspects of society.

Q: At the G8 summit, General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward a new concept of energy security. How will the Chinese government strengthen international energy cooperation in pursuing a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening up?

Answer: China's development cannot be separated from the world, and the world's prosperity cannot be separated from China. Seeking peace, seeking cooperation and promoting development is the common goal of all countries in the world, and it is the law and trend of the development of human society. China's energy development not only meets the needs of 1.3 billion people for their own development, but also brings favorable development opportunities and broad development space to all countries in the world.

China is an active participant in international energy cooperation. In terms of multilateral cooperation, China is a full member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group, ASEAN 10+3 Energy Cooperation, International Energy Forum, World Energy Conference and the Asia-Pacific Clean Development and Climate Partnership. International organizations such as the Energy Agency and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries have maintained close ties. In terms of bilateral cooperation, China has established energy dialogue and cooperation mechanisms with many energy consuming and producing countries such as the United States, Japan, the European Union, and Russia, and has strengthened dialogues in the fields of energy development, utilization, technology, environmental protection, renewable energy and new energy. and cooperation, to carry out extensive communication and exchanges in energy policy, information and data, etc. In international energy cooperation, China not only undertakes extensive international obligations, but also plays an active and constructive role. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit, China will continue to strengthen energy cooperation, communication and dialogue with the International Energy Organization and other countries in the world with a spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation and a sincere and pragmatic attitude. Adhere to the common interests of the people of all countries, expand the common ground of interests, increase understanding through communication, strengthen cooperation through understanding, and achieve win-win through cooperation.

In terms of "bringing in", China will continue to improve the foreign cooperation policy for the exploration and development of oil and gas resources, encourage foreign investment in the exploration and development of unconventional energy resources, encourage foreign investment and operation of energy facilities such as power stations, further optimize the foreign investment environment, and further Expand the use of foreign capital and focus on the introduction of foreign advanced technology, management experience and high-quality talents.

In terms of "going out", China will continue to actively expand international energy trade, promote the complementary advantages of the international energy market, and maintain the stability of the international energy market. Carry out energy import and export trade and improve fair trade policies in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization and the commitment to join the World Trade Organization. China encourages enterprises to participate in international energy cooperation, participate in overseas energy infrastructure construction, and steadily develop energy engineering and technical service cooperation in accordance with international practices and market economy principles.

Q: When the "China's Energy Situation and Policies" was released, what are your outstanding feelings to express to the international community?

Answer: There are three things I want to say most:

The first sentence, the international community should fully respect and safeguard China's right to development. China is the largest developing country in the world today. It is an inevitable choice for the Chinese government and Chinese people to develop its economy and get rid of poverty. Although China's energy consumption ranks second in the world, the per capita energy consumption level is still very low, only three-quarters of the world average level, and the oil per capita consumption level is only one-half of the world average level. lower than that of developed countries. China will continue to focus on economic development and comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society that benefits 1.3 billion people. This is a historical responsibility entrusted to the Chinese government and people by the development of human society, and it is also an objective requirement for China to contribute to regional and world economic development. The Chinese government will spare no effort to solve the energy problem and realize the sustainable development of energy.

Second sentence, the sustainable development of China's energy is conducive to maintaining world energy security. China's steady growth in energy demand not only creates conditions for the development of its domestic energy industry, but also provides huge development opportunities and development space for the international energy market. prosperity and stability. On the whole, the energy required for China's economic development is mainly solved by domestic resources. China's energy self-sufficiency rate has always remained above 90%, which does not pose any threat to the international community. In the long run, China's fossil energy and renewable energy resources There is also great potential for energy conservation and energy conservation. With the advancement and innovation of energy technology, we will make greater contributions to energy conservation, consumption reduction and environmental protection. China has not been, is not, and will not pose a threat to world energy security in the future. At any time, China will, as always, play an active role in maintaining international energy security.

lol押注正规appThe third sentence, energy cooperation is the trend and trend of world energy development. With the in-depth development of economic globalization, the rapid progress of science and technology, the acceleration of the flow of production factors and the speed of industrial transfer, the cooperation in the fields of energy resources, technology, information, and services between countries around the world is deepening. World energy needs to strengthen cooperation, and to strengthen cooperation requires honesty and mutual trust, and mutual benefit and win-win results. Any remarks that slander China's economic development achievements and distort China's energy development policies are inconsistent with the development trend and are harmful to the security and stability of the international market. The Chinese government is willing to work with all countries in the world to make unremitting efforts to achieve mutual benefit and common development, to maintain the stability and security of world energy, and to protect the common homeland of mankind!